St. Andrews Old Course Tee Times

The Old Course

The Complete Guide to Old Course at St. Andrews Tee Times

The Old Course at St. Andrews is the crown jewel of golf travel in the British Isles. It also happens to be a truly public course, owned by the local townspeople through a centuries old Act of Parliament. While this means that anyone can play The Old Course at St. Andrews, securing a tee time at The Home of Golf is not as simple as phoning the pro shop.


If you're hoping to play The Old Course, here's your ultimate guide for St. Andrews tee times.

Four Ways to Play The Old Course at St. Andrews

1. Guaranteed Old Course at St. Andrews Tee Times with Haversham & Baker

As an authorized provider of Old Course tee times, H&B receives a limited number of slots each year directly from the St. Andrews Links Trust. These tee times typically become available in April the year prior to play and are usually completely sold within a matter of days.


Translation: If you hope to secure a guaranteed tee time, you’ll want to start working with an H&B Expedition Planning Manager as early as January of the year prior to your trip.


Guaranteed Old Course at St. Andrews tee times through Haversham & Baker are only available as part of an Expeditionary package with minimum stay and golf requirements.


We are unable to assist with requests for stand-alone tee times.

2. Direct Application

The Links Trust accepts direct tee time applications for what's now known as the Swilcan Package in the September prior to the next year’s season. This means golfers looking to play the Old Course at St. Andrews in 2025 would apply in September of 2024. Winners are selected by lottery and successful applicants are notified in October. If your group is lucky enough to land a spot, we can then assist in building the rest of your Expedition around your Old Course tee time.


Through the years, countless H&B travelers have landed St. Andrews tee times through the Direct Application process. One thing to consider, however, is that by the time notifications are sent in October, our allotment of guaranteed times is typically 100% sold. This means applicants who are unsuccessful may be left stranded without a guaranteed time.


Even a successful application can cause a planning wrinkle if you’ve waited to hear from The Old Course before booking your other tee times. By the time you get the good news, most of the marquee courses in St. Andrews and elsewhere in Scotland will be down to limited or no availability.


If you strike out on the application and your heart is still set on capturing that photo on the Swilcan Bridge, all is not lost…

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3. Daily Ballot

Nearly half of all Old Course tee times are awarded by lottery, known officially as the Old Course Ballot.


The ballot is drawn 48 hours prior to the date of play, and must be entered by 2pm each day. So, for example, a group hoping to play on Wednesday would need to enter the ballot by 2pm on the Monday before.


Entries require a minimum of two players and can be made via the St. Andrews app, in-person at The Old Pavilion, or by telephone.

4. Singles Daily Draw

Each day, The Old Course fills a number of open slots via the Singles Daily Draw. This new system replaces the in-person Singles Queue, where golfers would line up overnight in hopes of scoring a coveted tee time.


To enter the Daily Draw, stop by The Old Pavilion or Links Clubhouse 9am and 5pm the day before your desired date of play and complete the form using the assigned tablet. After 5pm, you will be notified the results via text message. Note: Entries must be made in-person and a photograph will be taken to confirm the identity of each player on arrival.

Old Course St. Andrews Tee Times

Plan Early. Plan Early. Plan Early.

We really can’t stress this point enough. Thanks to the current unprecedented demand for golf travel, the number of golfers hoping to play The Old Course promises to outstrip availability on the tee sheet for years to come.


To illustrate, our guaranteed St. Andrews tee times for 2025 were nearly 100% sold the moment they arrived. We expect the same to hold true for 2026.


Simply put… If you’re planning a golf trip to St. Andrews in 2025 and want a guaranteed spot, the time to begin the process passed long ago.


This doesn’t mean that The Old Course is off the table entirely, as you may still have luck with the other options outlined above. But in terms of a guaranteed tee time, 2026 may be your year.


Our guaranteed Old Course tee times for 2025 are 100% sold out. We are accepting inquiries to play The Old Course in 2026 and beyond.


If you’re hoping to play The Old Course or elsewhere in Scotland, now is the time to look ahead to golf trips in 2025.

The Flexible Golfer Gets the Tee Time

In addition to planning early, flexibility on dates of travel is also key to guaranteed Old Course tee times.


Landing a tee time during a specific date range can be a challenge, especially in the peak months of the season (June-August) when demand always outstrips supply.


Those who are willing to travel on the shoulder months (April/May and October) will certainly increase their chances of securing that coveted tee time.

St. Andrews Tee Times

There is No Secret Formula for the Ballot

Our Expedition Planning Managers are often asked if we have any tips for scoring St. Andrews tee times via The Old Course ballot.


The methodology used in the selection process is a closely guarded state secret. What we do know, however, is that flexibility is once again important.


If you plan to ballot on just one specific day, your odds of hitting the jackpot are far less than if you enter over multiple days.


Our advice is to base yourself in St. Andrews for multiple days, perhaps the entire week, and enter the Ballot every day.

Tour Operators Can't Guarantee Success on the Ballot

As much as we’d love to claim an inside track to the Ballot, no such thing exists. Cast a skeptical eye toward any tour operator who leads you to believe otherwise.

Try the Singles Daily Draw

Although we regret the loss of one of the great traditions in golf with The Old Course Singles Queue, we are excited for the opportunity it provides H&B travelers.


Those who might strike out with the Ballot can now make a last ditch effort to play The Old Course without sleeping on the putting green.

St. Andrews Old Course tee times

The magnetic pull of St. Andrews will continue to draw golfers from around the globe in search of a coveted tee time on The Old Course. We hope that this guide has provided a little insight ahead of your journey.


If you’d like to learn more about guaranteed St. Andrews tee times through Haversham & Baker, visit our Yardage Book where you’ll find answers to many of our most frequently asked questions.


If at that time you feel H&B is the right choice, then there’s only one thing left to do…

Scotland Golf Travel E-Book Download

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The Complete Guide to

Scotland Golf Travel

What's covered in this free 40+ page guide:

  • The best regions for golf in Scotland.
  • Old Course at St. Andrews tee times.
  • Where to enjoy the Good Life between rounds.
  • Lesser known courses you should play.

Plus links to over 50 additional guides and resources.

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John Nicodemo – Allegheny Country Club

The choice of golf courses was perfect. Connor Evers is a gem. Great attitude and attention to service detail. We were well prepared for the nuances of golfing in Scotland.

Dave Kuhl – Boulder Country Club

We analyzed and compared several golf travel companies before settling on H&B and I’m glad we did! Every detail was executed flawlessly, resulting in a tremendous, drama-free trip.

Dan Hermann – Evansville Country Club

Having made several trips to Scotland and Ireland using different golf travel companies I would rate Haversham & Baker as the top in all around service and experience.

Aaron Krueger, PGA – Wakonda Club

You might find a little better pricing, but you won’t find the attention to detail, service, and access that Haversham & Baker provides. A trip like this needs all of those to come together to be successful.

Bela Nagy, PGA – Sandridge Golf Club

H&B made me look like a rock star to the group. Before the trip even ended, the guys were already asking where we’re going next!”

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